
2007-03-09 8:15 pm

回答 (4)

2007-03-09 8:24 pm
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病毒Reproduce 時有新新陳代謝,而平時冇,但細菌時時有
病毒有Enzyme 可以切斷其他細胞的基因,但細菌沒有
病毒冇 plasmid,細菌有plasmid
病毒可被利用成一個Vector 將Desirable Gene 注入身體,而細菌則被利用來制造有人類有需要的物質(如Insulin)
病毒可能引致癌症(如引致Hepatitis B的病毒),有害細菌似乎只會破壞我們身體組織
2007-03-10 7:01 am
病毒不是生物菌沒有任何細胞構造(細胞壁 + 細胞膜)菌只有一層蛋白質外殼~內裹有弓繩型的核酸菌只能生存在生物細節內(寄主),所以它們可算是寄生物
病菌=細菌 是生物~是原核生物界菌能自己進行細胞分裂菌
2007-03-09 9:41 pm
參考: ME
2007-03-09 8:23 pm
Bacteria can be infected by Virus. Virus is much smaller, and have no effect on antibody ...

Bacteria (singular: bacterium) are unicellular microorganisms. They are typically a few micrometres long and have many shapes including spheres, rods, and spirals. Bacteria are ubiquitous in every habitat on Earth, growing in soil, acidic hot springs, radioactive waste,[1] seawater, and deep in the earth's crust. Some bacteria can even survive in the extreme cold and vacuum of outer space. There are typically 40 million bacterial cells in a gram of soil and a million bacterial cells in a millilitre of fresh water; in all, there are approximately five nonillion (5×1030) bacteria in the world.[2] Bacteria are vital in recycling nutrients, and many important steps in nutrient cycles depend on bacteria, such as the fixation of nitrogen from the atmosphere. However, most of these bacteria have not been characterised, and only about half of the phyla of bacteria have species that can be cultured in the laboratory.


A virus is a microscopic particle (ranging in size from 20 - 300 nm) that can infect the cells of a biological organism. Viruses can replicate themselves only by infecting a host cell. They therefore cannot reproduce on their own. At the most basic level, viruses consist of genetic material contained within a protective protein coat called a capsid. They infect a wide variety of organisms: both eukaryotes (animals, yeasts, fungi, and plants) and prokaryotes (bacteria and archaea). A virus that infects bacteria is known as a bacteriophage, often shortened to phage. The word virus comes from the Latin, virus, "poison" (syn. venenum).


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