
2007-03-09 7:54 pm
我選擇Choice B的原因是我對畫畫有興趣
我去了一個art museum參觀,雖然只是同一個主題,但那些畫很獨特

回答 (3)

2007-03-09 8:00 pm
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The reason of my choice B is I have interest to paint
I went to an art museum to visit, although just the same of topic, those the painting is very special
Each one also has it different description, but is the painting Gong that comes from a person
The painting that he draws seems to have character.But also have a not good place
Because if what he draw is each an all have character, then it would some bad persons
Meeting from this go to counterfeit painting is that to don't like?
So, I think, that painter applies an oneself to want to draw of and draw
Don't want a diversification and special.Because each painting, all have a topic
And each topic is also different, and want not with a topic to draw many different paintings
2007-03-09 9:49 pm
The reason I chose Choice B is becasue I am interested in drawing.
I went to one* Art Exhibition, the drawings there were very unique.
Even though they were in one theme, but each drawing was in different techniques.
Actually all the drawings were from the same person.
It seemed like all his drawings have their own personality, but this is also a disadvantage. It is because if all his drawings have their own personality, then the wicked person / villain would forge his drawings. Then, that's not so good?
Therefore, I think the artist should draw what he wants to draw, instead of focusing on 多元化 and unique. He shouldn't draw different drawings in one theme. That means every drawing should have it's own theme, and every theme is different.

* I used one here to emphasize the art exhibition.

多元化 , I can't think of a word to translate this one, I thought of multicultural, but it doesn't seem right.

I use draw(畫畫 )and drawings (每幅畫)
becasue you will never say: I go to painting class.
You will say: I go to drawing class. (this is more common)
And normally we use artist for畫家 , painter for 油漆 工人.

Hope you like my translation.
2007-03-09 8:28 pm
The reason I picked choice B is because i'm interested in painting.
I once went to an art museum to visit.
Although all the pictures are of the same theme, they were unique.
Every picture has it's sepcial features, but they were actually drawn by the same person.
All his paintings seemed to have it's own personality.
There are some disadvantage though.
If all his paintings have it's own speciality, it would be easier for the villain to make counterfeit of his paintings isn't it?
Therefore, I think the painter should paint whatever he would like to paint instead of being unique on purpose.
This is because he should paint paintings with it's own theme, and every theme should be different, but not paint paintings of the same theme but different style.

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