myDSL extensions?

2007-03-09 5:01 pm
In Linux, there is a term MyDSL extenions. What does it mean?

回答 (1)

2007-03-09 8:12 pm
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These are tools that were written by the DSL developers, and in a few cases by DSL users, to perform tasks specific to the operation of Damn Small Linux.
mkmydsl Create a new ISO, adding your own selection of extensions and other files.
mydsl-load Install/uninstall myDSL extensions.
mydsl-wget Download a given extension from a myDSL repository.
mydslPanel.lua The MyDSL GUI Extension Tool.
dslMirror.lua DSL mirror selector.
ucitool.lua Display and umount currently mounted uci files.
gnu-utils-restore Download and install the gnu_utils myDSL extension (alternative to Busybox).
mkwriteable Open up additional parts of the filesystem for writing.

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