What is this in English?

2007-03-09 12:45 pm
徘徊在幻覺之中*愛恨.妒忌*全因你...曾經想盡千方百計表達對你的關愛, 但為何總是換來責罵與眼淚? 你知道嗎? 我真的很怕一天看著你的背影離去…因為你, 我從小便知道童話不再存在…你可否告知我真相? 請你告訴我一切是我對你的誤解, 好嗎?

Please don't write the word LOVE. And Change the YOU to HE or HIM.

回答 (3)

2007-03-09 2:19 pm
✔ 最佳答案

Walking back and forth (徘徊) in an illusion (幻覺), Love, Hate, Jealousy(妒忌), All because of him... I had thought of thousand of ideas just to show him my care, but why in return (換來) are always dressing down (責罵) and tears? Does he know that, I really afraid one day I have to watch him walk away...Because of him, I already knew that there is no longer fairy tale (童話) existing since I was young...Can he tell me the truth? Please let me know that everything is just my misunderstanding (誤解) to him, wouldn't he?

參考: 自己&字典
2007-03-09 6:55 pm
Drifting in my imaginary world, affections, hatreds, jealousy, are all because of him....
I once thought of thousand of ways to express my devotion, but why does it always brought along tears and blame? Don't he know?
I am really afraid of a day when I will be watching the back of him as he is leaving. Because of him, since young, I have known that fairy tales do not exist....Can't he tell me the truth?
I wish that he would tell me that all these are just part of my imagination and misunderstanding.
2007-03-09 2:16 pm
Living in the illusion, because of her. I have been think of many ways to show my feeling to her, I do not want blame and tear anymore. I am really afraid someday she may leave me. I knew that fairy tales did not exist when I was a child. Can she tell me the truth? Please tell me everything was my misunderstanding to her.

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