全球有筵幾多個英聯邦國家(British Commonwealth) ar?

2007-03-09 9:16 am
全球有筵幾多個英聯邦國家(British Commonwealth) ar?
寫國家名俾我聽ar? 包括歐洲英國本身同非洲,北美洲,南太平洋同澳洲亞洲?

回答 (2)

2007-03-09 9:43 am
✔ 最佳答案
Totally 53 members
They are:
Antigua and Barbuda (1981)
Australia (1931 [1])
The Bahamas (1973)
Bangladesh (1972)
Barbados (1966)
Belize (1981)
Botswana (1966)
Brunei (1984)
Cameroon (1995)
Canada (1931)
Cyprus (1961)
Dominica (1978)
Gambia (1965)
Ghana (1957)
Grenada (1974)
Guyana (1966)
India (1947)
Jamaica (1962)
Kenya (1963)
Kiribati (1979)
Lesotho (1966)
Malawi (1964)
Malaysia (1957)
Maldives (1982)
Malta (1964)
Mauritius (1968)
Mozambique (1995)
Namibia (1990)
Nauru (2000)
New Zealand (1931[2])
Nigeria (1960[3])
Pakistan (1947[4])
Papua New Guinea (1975)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (1983)
Saint Lucia (1979)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1979)
Samoa (1970)
Seychelles (1976)
Sierra Leone (1961)
Singapore (1965)
Solomon Islands (1978)
South Africa (1931[5])
Sri Lanka (1948)
Swaziland (1968)
Tanzania (1961)
Tonga (1970)
Trinidad and Tobago (1962)
Tuvalu (1978)
Uganda (1962)
United Kingdom (1931)
Vanuatu (1980)
Zambia (1964)
參考: Wikipedia
2007-03-09 12:33 pm
現今全球共有53個 Commonwealth members:
歐洲 3 個 (連UK本身), 北美洲12 個, 南美洲1 個, 非洲18個, 亞洲8個, 澳洲+大洋洲11個. 以前 Fiji (斐濟) 都係嘅, 但自從軍事政變後响2006年被 Commonwealth 暫時 suspended.
以下係各大洲嘅 Commonwealth member 表, 我係响 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_members_of_the_Commonwealth_of_Nations_by_continent 度搵出嚟嘅 (括弧代表加入年份):

Botswana (1966)
Cameroon (1995)
Gambia (1965)
Ghana (1957)
Kenya (1963)
Lesotho (1966)
Malawi (1964)
Mauritius (1968)
Mozambique (1995)
Namibia (1990)
Nigeria (1960; suspended in 1995; readmitted in 1999)
Seychelles (1976)
Sierra Leone (1961)
South Africa (1931; left in 1961; rejoined in 1994)
Swaziland (1968)
Tanzania (1961)
Uganda (1962)
Zambia (1964)

Bangladesh (1972)
Brunei (1984)
India (1947)
Malaysia (1957 as Malaya; Malaysia since 1963)
Maldives (1982)
Pakistan (1947; left in 1972; rejoined 1989; suspended in 1999; readmitted in 2004)
Singapore (1965)
Sri Lanka (1948)

Australia (1931; ratified in 1942)
Kiribati (1979)
Nauru (2000)
New Zealand (1931; ratified in 1947)
Papua New Guinea (1975)
Samoa (1970)
Solomon Islands (1978)
Tonga (1970)
Tuvalu (1978)
Vanuatu (1980)

Cyprus (1961)
Malta (1964)
United Kingdom (1931)

North America
Antigua and Barbuda (1981)
The Bahamas (1973)
Barbados (1966)
Belize (1981)
Canada (1931)
Dominica (1978)
Grenada (1974)
Jamaica (1962)
Saint Kitts and Nevis (1983)
Saint Lucia (1979)
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (1979)
Trinidad and Tobago (1962)

South America
Guyana (1966)

Hope this helps :)

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