請問以下句子可以嗎? : The boy fell sleep.

2007-03-09 8:12 am

The boy fell sleep. 這句不是應寫成 The boy fell alseep. 嗎?

他說原句是正確的, 請問真的可以這樣寫嗎?

查字典只有 ...fall into a deep sleep..

請幫忙, 最好有詳解,

Thank you very much.

回答 (6)

2007-03-09 10:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
你老師好懶(我唔想話佢無料}, 不過佢唔解釋你聽就話原句是正確的就一定係懶. 首先asleep是訓著覺(狀態) , sleep是訓覺的(行為) . 另外,說asleep時一般都是過去式, 多數是 講fall asleep. 除非是: The boy is going to fell asleep (將要訓著覺). 理論上 fell asleep 冇乜錯(不過 fell sleep 就錯梗), felling asleep都得, 不過佢講邊隻先?

The boy fall asleep - 個男仔訓著左覺
The boy is going to fell asleep 個男仔將要訓著覺
The boy was felling asleep while the teacher was talking.老師講野時個男仔幾乎要訓著覺

唔好被打擊, 語文係從錯中學習的, 多問多參考.
參考: 撞了多年的板
2007-03-09 8:40 am
Well... first teachers are just human beings; they can make mistakes, too. Learn from what's right and don't be their enemy.

In the sentence {The boy fell asleep}, fell is the verb and asleep is an adverb, describing how the boy fell.
Asleep is also an adjective: {He was asleep}, meaing he was in a state of sleep (i.e. sleeping).

{The boy fell sleep} is grammatically incorrect, for the word {sleep} can only be a verb or a noun.

{The boy fell [v] sleep [v]} is definitely incorrect.
{The boy fell [v] sleep [n]} is better but {fell} needs a preposition to indicate direction of the action {fall}, hence {fell to sleep} or better, {fell into sleep} would be more appropriate.
2007-03-09 8:37 am
" The boy fell sleep " 是錯的,因為" sleep "只可以用作名詞(noun)或動詞(verb),但不可能將它直接放在動詞" fall "後面," fall "只可以接着形容詞/副詞," fall asleep "是常用詞,表示睡着的意思,所以 " fall sleep " 很明顯是打錯字!
2007-03-09 8:20 am
Should be " the boy fell asleep."

Asleep is a state of sleep.
2007-03-09 8:19 am
I think it's ~The boy fell alseep
fell alseep means have a nap
2007-03-09 8:19 am
字典的fall into a deep sleep是熟睡着
不應寫成 The boy fell alseep
你自作嫁(The boy fell alseep)

2007-03-09 00:19:57 補充:

2007-03-09 00:21:13 補充:
小睡用成語A cat's nap

2007-03-09 00:25:46 補充:
正確的是The boy fell asleep不是The boy fell alseep你打錯字我查過字典機The boy fell asleep是可行的

2007-03-09 00:29:41 補充:
不過洋人或慣用是The boy fall into a deep sleep和The boy fell alseep所以你冇錯

2007-03-09 00:35:02 補充:
字典機型號MD8500查fall按例句找倒Absolutely true
參考: 我

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