英文 (幫幫我!)☆10點☆

2007-03-09 7:55 am
1.wt do u want to be when u grow up? ( desinger )
2.wt can u do to keep HK clean?
3.can u tell me about your hobbies? ( drawing&reading books )
4.do u like your school?y or y not? ( like )
5.wt is your favourite subject?y? ( Eng )
6.wt are u gd at? ( drawing pictures )
7.wt do u like to do in your spare time?y?( drawing&reading books )

"long" 細D!!!plz

回答 (5)

2007-03-09 8:02 am
✔ 最佳答案
1.I want to be a designer when i grow up.
2.I think stop to litter is the best way to keep HK clean.
3.My hobbies are drawing and reading books.
4.I like my school because I have many friends here and I feel glad to study in my school.
5.My favourite subject is English because if we are good at English, we can communicate with the world.
6.I am good at drawing pictures.
7.I like to draw and read books in spare time because i can express my feelings when drawing. And I can learn more when reading books.
2007-03-09 8:22 am
You have answered every single question except question 2,
U can pick up the trash wherever u walk on the street and most importantly, you don't spitt on the street, right? I think I deserve the best answer.
2007-03-09 8:13 am
Why ask when you have the answers already?
Next time you should try to put up your draft and let others to do a bit of touch-up for you, don't you think?
2007-03-09 8:11 am
1. I want to be a designer when I grow up.
2. I don't litter to keep HK clean.
3. My hobbies are drawing and reading.
4. I like my school very much.
5. My favourite subject is English.
6. I am good at drawing.
7. I like drawing and reading in my spare time.
參考: myself
2007-03-09 8:08 am
1. i want to be desinger
2. Don't throw rubbish
3. reading books
5.Maths ... I don't know why i love it
6.Good at Maths
7.Playing computer

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