有1句英文 唔係好識點用~!! 幫幫手 20分

2007-03-09 7:17 am
***Scarcely does a week pass*** without another unsettling case of child neglect, cruetly or sexual assault coming to public attention.

其實 ** 部分中 的does有咩作用...如果唔要個does
即***Scarcely a week pass*** without another unsettling case of child neglect,

可唔可以舉1d example助我明白**部分既句子結構係點用~!!!!!!!!


回答 (2)

2007-03-10 11:58 am
✔ 最佳答案
Scarcely does a week pass without another unsettling case of child neglect, cruelty or sexual assault coming to public attention.
A week scarcely passes before there is another unsettling case of ......

" Scarcely does a week pass ... " 利用「倒裝法」(Inversion)來强調有關事例的常見。Inversion的寫法可利用一些副詞開頭,例如﹕rarely, never, hardly 等等,再接上適當的助動詞而成。

Examples of Inversion:

Never will I see her again. (I will never see her again.)
Rarely has a debate attracted so much attention. (A debate has rarely attracted so much attention.)
Hardly had they turned off the lights when the door bell rang. (They had hardly turned off the lights when the door bell rang.)

參考: My own knowledge
2007-03-09 7:30 am
does 在這裏只是有強調語氣的作用
不是用DO因為a week 是單數
只是用Scarcely a week pass 做headling 也是可以的

例如:I DO think that he has tried his best
參考: 自己

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