Help plx ""

2007-03-09 4:49 am
Wt mean "Customs Operations Against Drug Trafficking" ??

can anyone tell me more about this issue *"

thx for your help

回答 (2)

2007-03-09 5:25 am
✔ 最佳答案
Customs Operations Against Drug Trafficking


The illegal drug trade is a global black market consisting of production, distribution, packaging and sale of illegal psychoactive substances. The illegality of the black markets purveying the drug trade is relative to geographic location, and the producing countries of the drug markets (many South American, Far East, and Middle East countries) are not as inclined to have "zero-tolerance" policies, as the consuming countries of the drug trade (mostly United States and Europe) are. The economic reality of the massive profiteering inherent to the drug trade serve to extend its reach despite the best efforts of enforcement agencies worldwide. In the wake of the economic reality, the social consequences (crime, violence, imprisonment, social unrest) of the drug trade are undeniably problematic.

The Chinese government believes that drugs are a worldwide public hazard confronting the whole of mankind, and drug control is an imminent and common responsibility incumbent to international society. Drugs harm people's health, give rise to corruption and crimes, disrupt sustainable development and endanger national security and world peace. Therefore, all illegal activities involving drugs must be strictly prohibited and eliminated.
The Chinese people feel keenly the harm of drugs, and know that drug control is in their fundamental interests. Safeguarding citizens' lives, and protecting the people's subsistence and development are the lofty responsibilities of the Chinese government. For many years, the Chinese government has taken drug control as a fundamental objective, and has formulated and implemented a series of principles, policies and measures in this regard.

You may find the following links helpful either~~
Thanks for appreciation.

2007-03-09 5:02 am
Customs Operations Against Drug Trafficking=海關行動對抗毒品販賣

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