
2007-03-09 3:22 am

回答 (5)

2007-03-09 3:38 am
✔ 最佳答案
Depending on what season you are traveling on the route and also which airlines you are planning to fly with...
For Oasis Hong Kong, they offer a fare amount of seats at HKD1000 per way each flight... Which add up to HKD3800 include tax return... And this offer is avaliable all year round but most be booked well in advance...
For normal airlines like Cathay Pacific/British Airways/Virigin Atlantic, they do pretty heavy discount during low season for around HKD3500 exclude tax for a return ticket and paying additional HKD1000 will give you a return ticket from London to Europe as well... So during low season, this would add up to around HKD4500 include tax during low season... However, their fare are much higher during peak season for at least HKD7000 and up to HKD9000 exclude tax for any of those airlines...
For Qantas/Air New Zealand, the promotional fare start at HKD3800 exclude tax which will add up to HKD5000 include tax... But during peak season, this would raise up to HKD5000 exclude tax... The reason why these airlines are cheaper than Cathay Pacific/British Airways/Virgin Atlantic are beacause of their poor timing of flight with flight to London departing at early morning in Hong Kong...
*Peak Season for Hong Kong - London route is usually during late-August to early September, early-January, mid-April for flights to London as students return to school in UK... While in opposite direction, the peak season are during early to mid-July, mid-December, late March to early-April for flights back to Hong Kong as students return to Hong Kong for holiday... Beside those dates, promotional fares usually apply... And of course, that subject to avaliability as well...
#So in generally, the fares are HKD2000~HKD3800 exclude tax (HKD3800~HKD5000 include tax) for low season and could get up to HKD2000~HKD9000 exclude tax (HKD3800~HKD11000 include tax) for peak season travel...
參考: Fly on the route 6 times a year...
2007-03-09 5:18 am
2007-03-09 3:28 am
Cathay Pacific sometimes offer special price for return tickets from London Heathrow and HKG and can be lower than 5000HKD (no asia miles though). but check on their website for promotion.
note that there will be the maximum limit of staying at UK, for example 2-14 days or 0-30 days etc.
2007-03-09 3:25 am
Normally around 7000 return. Single 5000..
2007-03-09 3:24 am
而家香港去英國最平架係Oasis-甘泉航空,至於機票你可以直接打去航空公司訂,上網訂http://www.oasishongkong.com/hk/en/home.aspx,又或者由旅行社訂,因為d機票個價係成日都唔同,所以最好你知道個日子後再用以上架方法去買機票!若果你想買package架話,同旅行社訂會比你分開訂會抵好多,唔煩架,若果去旅行社訂,你去到話個日期佢地知,俾日子同埋passport個名,佢地就會幫你出機票,到有果時再上去拿就ok,至於打電話去航空公司就俾個credit card no.佢地過數,佢地就會幫你搞,若果上網訂的話就係網上打個credit card no., then print the e-ticket is fine ga la.....don't worry, it's easy and not complex at all!

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