Mathematical Induction(MI)

2007-03-09 3:16 am

n straight lines in a plane divide the plane into (n*n+n+2)/2 regions, assuming that no two lines are parallel and that no three lines have a common point. Show that the regions can be coloured red and green so that no two regions that share an edge are the same colour.


回答 (2)

2007-03-09 5:40 am
✔ 最佳答案
When n=1, it is obviously true.
(Note: There are only two regions, so you could easily color region A into red and region B into green -- then they are in different colors, it satisfied the requirement. See fig1.)

Assuming the requirement could be satisfied when there are k straight lines, for some positive integer k.

Then, if we add one more straight line to the plane, it will then cut all the regions it lies on into two parts. By the assumption, if we consider the two sides of the newly added straight line separately, the requirement is still satisfied. Therefore if we invert the colors of the regions on one side of the newly added straight line, the requirements would be met.

Hence, by M.I. it is true.

Demonstration below (Using n=1,2,3)

|         |
|    R    |
|         |
|         |
|    G    |
|         |
|         |
|         |
Fig 1: It is true for n=1

|         |
|\   R    |
|G\       |
|   \     |
| R  \ G  |
|     \   |
|      \  |
|       \ |
Fig 2: It is true for n=2

|     ∥   |
|\   R∥R  |
|G\   ∥   |
|   \G∥   |
| R  \∥G  |
|     ∥   |
|     ∥\  |
|     ∥R\ |
Fig 3: Add a new line (shown in ∥).

|     ∥
|\   R∥
|G\   ∥
|   \G∥
| R  \∥
|     ∥
|     ∥
|     ∥
Fig 4: The regions on the left satisfied the requirement.

      ∥   |
      ∥R  |
      ∥   |
      ∥   |
      ∥G  |
      ∥   |
      ∥\  |
      ∥R\ |
Fig 5: So as those on the right.

|     ∥   |
|\   R∥G  |
|G\   ∥   |
|   \G∥   |
| R  \∥R  |
|     ∥   |
|     ∥\  |
|     ∥G\ |
Fig 6: Invert the colors on the right side (or the left side) of the straight line. The requirement is met.

2007-03-08 21:41:07 補充:
Sorry, the figures looks a bit strange in firefox. Please use IE to view them.

2007-03-10 21:14:59 補充:
請問可否提供參考資料及來源?sorry.. i wrote this i don't have any source...try to draw figures to help yourself when solving this kind of problem, they help a lot =)
2007-03-11 3:49 am



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