In a performence or at a performance?

2007-03-09 2:36 am
1) I failed in a performance
2) I failed at a performance

which one is correct?
or both r correct depening on its situation?

回答 (2)

2007-03-09 2:53 am
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Both actually is very unusual.
But if you want to put them this way, they mean totally different things.
1. I failed in a performance.
meant You failed to meet your standard or requirement in (WHERE) a performance (like dancing, singing)
2. I failed at a performance.
Failed at = what I was failing for ...
I failed at performance ... = I failed at my (singing)/(dancing) performance.
2007-03-09 2:55 am
I think it is rare to say " fail " in or at a performance if the word means " a show ". You only fail in a test, exam or contest.
For " performance ", we usually rate it by adjectives like " good " or " bad ".

eg. My performance last night was poor.
His excellent performance won tremendous applause.

It's my opinion.

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