*take my words for it*, what does it mean?

2007-03-09 1:52 am
as title

plx explain with chin and eng explanations and some examples

回答 (2)

2007-03-09 2:01 am
✔ 最佳答案
you ask a lot of good question :)
"take my words for it" = asking something to agree with you, or accept your suggestion or approve your idea ...
examples :
"Mother, I know sister broke the glass earlier, please take my words for it."
"Boss, I have years of experience with this subject, and I said the stock market is going to crash. Remember to take my words for it."
2007-03-09 1:58 am
*take my words for it* = [我保證]咁上下 la. 美式英語. 等同 I swear. 不過唔係人人都對任何一個人發誓 ka ma. 故用 *take my words for it* 比較好 lor.

example = I am ensure that the product that you need will be here on or before saturday. Take my words for it!

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