Query about sentence pattern

2007-03-09 1:39 am
1) She had her documents dropped on the ground.
2) She had dropped her documents on the ground.

Are they exactly the same?
Does the sentence pattern of 1(have + sth + pp)have another meaning?
Can you give some examples?

回答 (1)

2007-03-09 1:57 am
✔ 最佳答案
first, their meaning are slightly different.
1) She had her documents dropped on the ground.
She/had/her documents/dropped/ on the ground.
focus more on the DOCUMENTS
2) She had dropped her documents on the ground.
"had dropped" is the pp tenses, modifies She ...
She /had dropped/her documents/on the ground.
她丟了文件在地上 This just describe a situation, the whole event,
no focus...

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