
2007-03-09 1:18 am
小弟有兩輯廣告, 希望各位英文人可以幫小弟寫出當中的對白~


Adv 1 : Michael Jordan "Wisdom" Gatorade Commercial

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2t7l_hhEyQ

Adv 2 : Larry Bird vs. Michael Jordan McDonalds commercial

link: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_oACRt-Qp-s

唔係指個adv. 既名啊~~ 係條link 裡面既對話

回答 (2)

2007-03-11 10:44 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Michael Jordan "Wisdom" Gatorade Commercial

[Michael, Michael Jordan]
[To find what you desire requires the great effort.]
Monk: You look thirsty. Gatorade
Jordon: Thanks. How come......
Monk: I know why you have come: you wish to know the meaning of life.
Jordon: And?
Monk: Life is a sport! Drink it up!
Jordon: That's what I was thinking.
大致上冇錯, 我都知D 亞差講英文勁難頂

我而家個prof都係咁, 真係o籮命...

Larry Bird vs. Michael Jordan McDonalds commercial
Larry: What's in the bag?
Jordon: Lunch! Big Mac, fries...
L: (I will) Play you for it.
J: You and me? For my Big Mac?
L: First one to miss, watches the winner eat.
L: No dunking.
L: One (for) me.
J: Which me? IN IT!
L: Off the floor, off the scoreboard, off the bank-board, no rim.
J: Over the second rafter, off the floor, nothing but net.
J: Through the window, off the wall, nothing but net.
J: Off the express lane, over the river, off the billboard, through the window, off the wall, nothing but net.
應該差唔多, 大長可能會miss D野, 不過9成冇錯.


2007-03-12 02:28:06 補充:
參考: 左下獻醜
2007-03-09 2:16 am
1.邁克爾・喬丹"Wisdom&;quot; Gatorade 商務
2.拉里鳥對邁克爾・喬丹McDonalds 商務

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