Grammar ( 有選擇 )

2007-03-09 12:49 am
1.( I had / I have )_________eaten a tasty apple before we left our house.
2. ( I hadn't / I haven't )________finished my work, I'll see you later.
3. ( I had / I have )________the whole holidays to myself at home last summer.
4 ( I hadn't / I haven't)_______ been home for two minutes before my sister surprised me.
5.I could have bought that new game if ________ ( I had / I have )saved my money.

6. ( I hadn't / I haven't ) _______taken the car because it was only a short walk from my house to his. 7.( I had / I have ) _________watched too many T.V. shows today. 8.( I hadn't / I haven't )________seen any good movies this month yet.

回答 (4)

2007-03-09 1:19 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. I had (因為吃蘋果這動作是在離開家門之前作出的)
2. I haven't (coz 到現在這一刻仍未做完)
3. I had (coz: 這裡所提及的是上一個暑期的事)
4. I hadn't (coz: similar to question 1)
5. I had ( coz: "I could have ...." or "I would have ...." 之後用 "had")
6. I hadn't (coz: it mentions about something that already happened)
7. I have (coz: 直至現時這一刻)
8. I haven't (coz: similar to question 7)
2007-03-09 1:29 am
1. I had 2. I haven't
3. I had 4. I hadn't 5. I had 6. I hadn't 7. I have 8. I haven't
參考: me
2007-03-09 1:23 am
1. I had eaten a tasty apple before we left our house.
2. I haven't finished my work, I'll see you later.
3. I had the whole holidays to myself at home last summer.
4. I hadn't been home for two minutes before my sister surprised me.
5. I could have bought that new game if I had saved my money
6. I hadn't taken the car because it was only a short walk from my house to his.
7. I have watched too many TV shows today.
8. I haven't seen any good movies this month yet.
2007-03-09 12:54 am
1.( I had / I have )_________eaten a tasty apple before we left our house.
Answer: I had eaten
2. ( I hadn't / I haven't )________finished my work, I'll see you later.
Answer: I haven't
3. ( I had / I have )________the whole holidays to myself at home last summer.
Answer: I had
4 ( I hadn't / I haven't)____ ___ been home for two minutes before my sister surprised me.
Answer: I haven't
5.I could have bought that new game if ________ ( I had / I have )saved my money.
Answer: I have
6. ( I hadn't / I haven't ) _______taken the car because it was only a short walk from my house to his.
Answer: I haven't
7.( I had / I have ) _________watched too many T.V. shows today.
Answer: I have
8. I hadn't / I haven't )________seen any good movies this month yet.
Answer: I haven't
參考: Me

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