
2007-03-08 10:45 pm
1. 請問 「贖回基金」 既收費, 是什麼意思?
2. 更改基金計劃, 是什麼意思? 要不要收取更改計劃的服務費? 是否指 原本係手既係香港股票基金, 可改為 買外國股票基金??
3. 如已經有一基金係手, 買賣基金是怎麼? 賣出持有既基金, 是否要俾贖回費, 再去
買另一基本, 這就是所謂「買賣基金」?

回答 (2)

2007-03-09 9:09 am
✔ 最佳答案
1. 基金贖回費係指贖回(賣出你手上的基金)時,根據銷售說明會扣一個佰分比作贖回費,通常要收贖回費的基金,不會收認購費,而且會在認購後頭幾年eg頭5年才會要收,例如認購後第一年收5%贖回費,第二年收4%每年減收1%的贖回費如此類推,到第6年及之後贖回都不會扣贖回費。不過有些銀行eg渣打會收基金贖回電匯費象徵式HK$100。

3. 買基金=認講基金,賣基金=贖回基金,通常贖回要等一段的時間約7-14日才收到錢,但同基金公司內轉換基金就可以在下一個交易日進行買賣(同時贖回基金及認購基金)。
2007-03-09 12:57 am
1. Fund has 2 type, 'A' & 'B' (local terms) A= a fund charges you when you buy it. B = a fund charges you when you sell it. Some funds may have both, but all within law limit. Coming back to your question: it means you sell your fund, you will receive the amount less than you see on the book. e.g. value of your fund before selling is 100,000. Redemption cost 5%. You will receive 100,000 x 95% = 95,000 only. Just one step ahead: if for A fund, when you buy with 100,000, 5% initial charge means you only have 95,000 invested in the fund. 5000 is the up-front charge.
2. Usually a plan have a destinated choice of funds (ranges from a few to over a hundred) that you can select from. If the plan has both local and foreign funds, then you may switch among them, regardless of their investment areas). You need to know though is that you may incur switching cost of even worse, get charged again on initial charge because technically you are selling one fund and buy into another. Some plans aborbs these costs and you enjoy free switching. Most local banks products do not have this feature or if so, very limited.
Plan switch means you stop the old plan and uses a new plan. Whether it incurs cost depends on the provider and length of time you've been with the plan.
Change of fund weight is an allocation issue. All plans should allow you to change allocation %. Pls check clearly on the allocation requirements. Some may require you to allocate at least 1000 for each fund purchased.
3. Refer to Ans. to Q1 to see if you need to pay an exit fee or not. Buy and sell does not need to be one step after another. Just like you would be for stock buying and selling.
Perhaps you need to provide a bit more details before I can give you more info on this.

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