
2007-03-08 8:52 pm

回答 (15)

2007-03-08 9:29 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Opportunities are given to people who are well-prepared.

In English, "opportunities" is "give to sb" not "leave or remain to sb".
"leave or remain to sb" is sth "Chinlish".

2007-03-10 07:42:01 補充:
you are welcome.

It is correct to use passive voice "given".Even other people say "opportunities remain or leave to sb",the sentense is "opportunities are remained or left to sb". But of coz, "Given" is the right or best answer~

work hard=]
2007-03-08 9:49 pm
You can go to

the ans. is
opportunity will always leave for the ones who are well prepared
2007-03-08 9:40 pm
Chance is reserved for those well-equipped guy.
2007-03-08 9:27 pm
Opportunities are for those who are ready.
2007-03-08 9:25 pm
Chances are for preparative people.
2007-03-08 9:23 pm
Opportunities are for those who are well-prepared
2007-03-08 9:00 pm
Chances are for those who are ready.
2007-03-08 8:56 pm
~The opportunity is remains for the person which has the preparation~

希望幫到你 =]
2007-03-08 8:55 pm
chance is just for who are ready
2007-03-08 8:54 pm
The opportunity is leaves has the preparation's person

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