
2007-03-08 7:14 pm


回答 (3)

2007-03-08 8:00 pm
✔ 最佳答案
申唔申請到 travel visa. 真係好睇彩數及背景 ka wor. 我舊女友一申請就有10年. 佢當時銀行冇乜存款 ka wor. 不過佢之前去左美國做左差不多一年野. 有返番香港. 咁領事館咪信佢唔係有乜野意圖 lor. 咁就順利批左10年比佢 lak. 當時佢22歲咁上下咋.

邢我細佬, 申請時係大學生. 我阿媽仲入左10幾萬落佢戶口.第一次申請都被拒. 第2次再申請先攞到咋.

我自己, 雖然第一次就攞到; 但佢地只比左一個3個月兼 single entry 既 visa 比我咋喎. 咁我去左一次旅遊. 返黎再申請, 佢地都係比3年. 後來我又去左幾次美國旅遊. 之後先攞到個10年 ka jar. long story~~~~~~~

anyway, 越多証明越好lor. 唔好話去探男友; 因實會當妳想留低. 淨係話想去旅行好喇. 背少少旅遊資料先去啦. 唔係佢地問妳妳又口啞啞. 帶齊戶口證明, 住址証明. 最好個人有物業 tim la. 公司信, 大假紙. 最好搵旅行社出定張機票 tim lor. 當然係可以退個種啦. good luck to you!!
2007-03-11 11:50 am
First thing and MOST important: You DO NOT have any friends and relatives in USA! You DO NOT know anyone in America! Because they are extremely concern about people overstay in USA (with friends/ relatives).

You must convince them that you will come back to HK after travelling in US. So by having a stable job, family ties in HK, and a good savings in a/c, you can be quite confident about getting a visa. But one thing count against you is that, sorry, you are single. They are afraid that you will go there and not come back, so you MUST NOT tell them about your boyfriend.

Remember to schedule a good time for the interview, and arrive early. Because the queue can be very long.

Do not give out information unless asked, and just give enough information for the questions and NO MORE.

You do NOT need air ticket to apply for a US visa, at least they did not ask me at that time.

Don't forget the $800 visa fee deposit slip with Dah Sing Bank (non-refundable)

Good Luck!
2007-03-10 10:50 am
i got my US visa last year at around oct
the most important thing is well prepare all the useful document

1. bank receipt of DAI SANG BANG

2. company letter with salary(claimed that u won't stay in the state after yr visit...u must go back to hk. u can explain to them that u r really appreciate of yr salary..u won;t give it up)<---the counselor ask me about the salary and job stuffs a lot

3. go there earlier....last time...i waited in a huge line for like 45 mins

4. correct pic (i saw many ppl sent back to take pic and then went to wait on the line again)

5. tell them the truth (i did the same thing...cos i went to disney with family...and i told them my parents will pay for most of the bill...i earned around 16K a month...but i still not earning enough $$ to pay for the whole trip for 2 weeks by myself la....hahahhahah)

6. if u say u will visit yr friend, i think it will be fine...tell them the address and the contact of yr boyfriend in the state....but remember....
tell them u r going to visit yr "FRIEND&;quot;

7. remember: keep telling them u must come back!!!!!!!!

8. pls check yr passport for the expiry date(at least 6 months validation before u go to travel...if not...get a new one before apply for visa la...otherwise...u need to bring 2 visa to travel ga la)<----my case: old passport with us visa+new valid passport

9. well...i dunno if they will check yr friend hv usa visa or not...maybe u can say u travel with yr family....
in my case....the counselor didn't ask if my family hv visa or not (they hv it...so...)

hope it can help u^^

p.s. i get a 10 year travel visa ar....
good luck
參考: myself

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