英語會話問題! thank you

2007-03-08 4:27 pm
我唔夠你講啦 !

如果用You can overtalk me !



** 多謝你地! 個個都好好! 好用心幫我! thank you very much **

回答 (5)

2007-03-08 5:15 pm
✔ 最佳答案
No, 唔可以用 overtalk

可以咁講嘅 - maybe you're right, but I' don't want to argue with you anymore.
2007-03-08 8:03 pm
我唔夠你講啦 !

I am convinced.
英文不會用 (亦不需要用) speak or talk 來形容這句子裡的 -講- 字. 因為當你說 I am convinced 時肯定你兩在談話中.
參考: SELF
2007-03-08 6:41 pm
1.I give up
2.you win
2007-03-08 5:06 pm
I can't argue with you any more.


You win!
2007-03-08 4:46 pm
Just say 'Yes, you are right.' or 'Yes, you got good points.'

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