有冇人知道英國marriage visa的事?

2007-03-08 1:31 pm
我想知我apply佐英國的marriage visa係我本bno度..咁hold住呢個visa可唔可以飛去英國免簽證的國家如法國等? 定係我只可以用佢留係英國唔去得法國..因為bno唔可以去法國的?

回答 (1)

2007-03-09 3:00 am
✔ 最佳答案
Now you can go to France and indeed, ALL Schengen countries with your BNO. (and of course, your HKSAR passport too)

BNO passport holders have visa free access to all Schenegen countries as of 19 January 2007. I assume your marriage visa is a Multiple Entry Visa, so you can go to the Continent whenever you want.

It is recommended to check with the Embassy/Consulate of your destination country in case it takes sometime for this change to be implemented.

Happy Travel!

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