
2007-03-08 12:50 pm


回答 (5)

2007-03-08 11:48 pm
If you are only ONE Girl, I would suggest you to go to Singapore or Taiwan.

Taiwan is closer than that of Singapore and all the people can speak Chinese.
You may have a walk at the book shop and state in coffee shop for whole day.
Also, you may visit the local market and food stuff at night.
The Hot Spring is very famous and you can find one Hot Spring House/Resort to escape from the city or people.

For Singapore, the flight time around 3.5 hours. Actually it is the same style as HONGKONG but you would face to a lot of different people. They speak very different from HK. English, Chinese, Malaysia, India etc.
You may go to Sentosa for whole day, also the Singapore Zoo is a good place to spend for whole day. THe wild live animal is very attactive.
Also, you may walk around all local market to experience the mixed culture and meet more people.

The last choice, I would suggest Lamma Island. I've been living in Lamma Island for 2 years before. It is a very good place as well as there was no car on the island. To rent a house for a week just cost $1XXX and which is much cheaper than going other country.

Wish it can help you.

2007-03-08 5:12 pm
你可以去台灣呀....by planen1快喎~1hr就到喇.....果邊d字又係繁體字方便到自己....只要識講國語就ok啦~唔識呀..寫出黎人地.都知你講咩啦....又可以去shopping...買書(24hr開架)..
or maybe去下 thailand~我未去過....不過人地話用simple eng都已經ok啦....d野又好低bor~
再唔係日本呀.....if識少少日文....你去tokyo已經ok啦....不過而家又未有sale~要等7月.....d野會貴好多~食又係貴....但就好relax lor...果邊好舒服!!!
參考: ^^
2007-03-08 2:58 pm
可以考慮去Club Med度假村,他們在不同的地方都有度假村,你如果想近近地,可以選擇去泰國布吉島,我曾去過,簡藉樂而忘返,那兒是一個陽光與海灘的天堂,好舒服,一個人去也不會悶,每天三餐都是免費自助餐,如果你喜歡玩,可以參加一些水上活動或學潛水,費用全免,如果你喜歡靜,帶本書在泳池邊或海灘慢慢嘆,人生樂事。每晚有不同的show,好睇又好笑。
以下是Club Med的網頁,你慢慢參考︰
2007-03-08 1:40 pm
可以考慮去台灣, 多野食又有通宵書店可以hea, 而且當地主要講國語, 應該點都識講下, 咁買野或問路時都方便d, 近近地, 價錢又唔會太貴, 天氣又唔會差得太遠.

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