adult 個定義係咩呢?

2007-03-08 10:20 am



回答 (2)

2007-03-08 10:31 am
✔ 最佳答案
The term adult describes any mature organism, but normally it refers to a human: one that is no longer a child / minor and is now either a man or a woman. Adulthood can be defined in terms of biology, law, personal character, or social status. These different aspects of adulthood are often inconsistent and contradictory. A person may be biologically an adult, and have adult behavioral characteristics but still be treated as a child if they are under the legal age of majority. Conversely one may legally be an adult but possess none of the maturity and responsibility that define adult character.

Coming of age is the event; passing a series of tests to demonstrate the child is prepared for adulthood; or reaching a specified age, sometimes in conjunction with demonstrating preparation. Most modern societies determine legal adulthood based on reaching a legally-specified age without requiring a demonstration of physical maturity or preparation for adulthood.

"Adult" also means "not considered suitable for children", in particular as a euphemism for being related to sexual behaviour, such as adult entertainment, adult video, adult magazine, adult bookstore. However, adult education simply means education for adults, not particularly sex education.
參考: WiKipedia
2007-03-09 3:22 am
以前定落架lo, 以前d人覺得過左18歲先係大人, 所以法例規定18歲先成年
仲有, 如果定左17歲係成人, 你又會問, 16歲唔可以叫做成人既咩?係咪一年有咁大分別?
如果定左16歲係成人, 你又會問, 15歲唔可以叫做成人既咩?係咪一年有咁大分別?
如果定左15歲係成人, 你又會問, 14歲唔可以叫做成人既咩?係咪一年有咁大分別?
如果定左14歲係成人, 你又會問, 13歲唔可以叫做成人既咩?係咪一年有咁大分別?
如果定左13歲係成人, 你又會問, 12歲唔可以叫做成人既咩?係咪一年有咁大分別?

如果將來人命長左, 人人活到200歲, 可能會修改法例, 40歲先算係成人架

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