History : The Second World War

2007-03-08 9:42 am
Time Sence :

A. Hitler captured France.

B. The United States entered the Second World War

C. Hitler killed hinself.

D. The German General Rommel defeated the Allied Powers in North Africa.

E. Japan signed the document of unconditional surrender.


Explain how the Great Depression helped to helped to bring about the Second World War. ( Pls list point, not too long)

回答 (1)

2007-03-12 2:29 am
✔ 最佳答案
Time Sence :

A. Hitler captured France.---------------June, 1940

B. The United States entered the Second World War --------Dec, 1941

C. Hitler killed hinself.---------Apr, 1945

D. The German General Rommel defeated the Allied Powers in North Africa.----------------- the earliest

E. Japan signed the document of unconditional surrender.---------Aug, 1945



Great Depression (1929):
1. Leading to the rise of Hitler
2. France and Britain thus adopted an appeasement policy towards Germany
3. Japan's economy suffered as a result. Therefore, she had to invade other countries for the sake of resources and market.

P.S. NEVER say that the Great Depression led to the rise of Mussolini, that is totally wrong!!! In fact, the Great Depression nearly led to the downfall ofMussolini's government !!!
參考: my HKCEE experience

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