(Statistics) Finite Mixture

2007-03-08 9:37 am

Suppose a set of data is a sample from a mixture of two different normal densities, and estimation (e.g. by EM algorithm) is done for the normals' parameters and the mixing proportion.
Is it possible to do statistical hypothesis testing on the parameters (including the mixing proportion)? How? Any references?

回答 (1)

2007-03-12 2:16 am
✔ 最佳答案

這問題的關鍵在於能否找出estimator的sampling distribution。

直覺話我知因為EM algorithm有multiple random restart, 又有cluster spltting[for more than two normals],有時又會因為convergency criterion改動而影響結果,我相信應該是沒有close form的。

但,我們可以estimate這個sampling distribution, 用parzen window(或任何non-parameteric方法)。Idea 是從你expect的一個distribution中sample出來一堆data, EM一下計算estimator,只要你做足夠多次你就可以obtain一個sampling distribution。

然後照用area的方法去做hypothesis testing就可以了。當然,你的sampling distribution也不是絕對的sampling distribution, 只是sampling distribution的approximation, 所以claim亦未必很strong。

我對這個idea很有興趣,如有興趣,可以msn我。[[email protected]]
By the way, 你是做research的嗎?

2007-03-15 23:56:14 補充:

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