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Napoleon concocted his battle strategies in a sandbox.
Donald Duck comics were nearly banned years ago in Finland because he didn't wear pants.
Thomas Edison, the first person to conceive the electic light, had a collection of 5,000 birds.
A ball of glass will bounce higher than a ball of rubber. A ball of solid steel will bounce higher than one made entirely of glass.
The highest recorded bowling score was 299 1/2 because in 1905, a player bowled his lass ball in what would otherwise have been a perfect game. On impact, nine pins were instantly down but a single pin split in half; the top part fell over but the bottom remained standing.
Men's feet smell at least 40% worse than women's.
The Muppet Show was banned from TV in Saude Arabia because one of it's stars was a pig.
Most tropical marine fish could survive in a tank filled with human blood.
One penalty for an unfaithful wife in medieval France was to force her to pursue a chicken through the village naked.
Hippopotomonstroses and quippedaliophobia are both words meaning "fear of long words".
Paraskavedekatriaphobia is the fear of friday the 13th.
In 1980, the Yellow Pages accidentally listed a Texas funeral home under "Frozen Foods".
The technology contained in a single Game Boy unit in 200 exceeded all the computer power that was used to put the first man on the moon.
12% of Americans believe that Joan of Arc was Noah's wife.
The shortest conflict on record was between Britian and Zanzibar in 1896 which lasted 38 minutes.
A pregnant goldfish is called a twit.
The skin that peels off after a bad sunburn is called blype.
參考: The Book of Useless Knowledge by Joe Edelman and David Samson