
2007-03-08 6:41 am
同埋近唔近Wales同Cardiff ?

回答 (2)

2007-03-09 4:27 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Shropshire 其實係一個郡, 住於英格蘭 (England) 中部 (Midlands) 嘅西面, 與威爾斯 (Wales) 相連. Shropshire 係英格蘭其中一個最鄉村同最少人嘅地方, 而且係完全由小鎮組成 (最大嘅叫 Shrewsbury, 但都只係一個市鎮...), 一個城市都冇. 亦因為咁樣, Shropshire 係一個風景美麗嘅地方. 但除非你熱愛大自然同行山遠足等等, 佢並非一個要專登去參觀嘅景点.
Cardiff 位於 Wales 南部, 同 Shropshire 嘅距離都唔太近. 以 Shrewsbury 為出發点, 坐火車要大約兩個鐘, 而巴士就要~五個鐘. 對交通方面有興趣知多D可以上呢兩個 website 睇睇: - 火車 - 旅遊巴士
最後俾埋 Shropshire 個 official website 俾你:
Hope this helps :)
2007-03-08 8:45 am
Shropshire is located on the border between England and Wales... And its main city is Shrewsbury... However, it is quite a distance away from Cardiff since Cardiff is located in South Wales while Shropshire is nearier to North Wales... So if you are planning to travel down to Cardiff, it would take some bit of time...
The county itself is far from any of the major cities in UK... And also majority of the spaces are countryside within the county... Transport in Shropshire really is not too good with poor road and train network... So there are really very few things in Shropshire that could be interesting or put it that way, nothing special...

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