Cathay Pacific於將來5年會有咩變化?

2007-03-08 5:46 am

回答 (2)

2007-03-08 6:39 am
✔ 最佳答案
05/2007~2009 - cabin up-grade for existing B747-400 and some younger A340-300... Introduction of AVOD in all class and new seats for all class...
09/2007~2010 - B777-300ER begin to join the fleet... Replacing part of their A340-300 and all A340-600... Also to increase capacity on routes to London/San Francisco/Los Angeles...
2008 - B747-400ERF join the fleet to replace some B747-200F and expendion of cargo operation...
2008 - Expected to confirm further long-haul replacement for the remaining A340-300 and B747-400... Both B747-8i and A380 are under discussion and evaluation... Expect to join the fleet during 2010's...
2009 - Expected to confirm future short-haul fleet to replace B777-200/300 and A330-300... Both B787 and A350 are being looked at and compared... Expect to join the fleet by mid-2010's...
As a long term plan, Cathay Pacific began a long term fleet renew plan with the B777-300ER being ordered last year... While furture fleet renew are expected to make during the next 2 years... So by mid-2010's, we shall see a much newer fleet in Cathay Pacific than now... And also we will see some seginaficant investment by Cathay Pacific into fleet renew...
For new destinations... Cathay Pacific is currently concentrate more on increasing frequency on current routes rather than to expend their network... This is because of the code-share agreement with British Airways/American Airlines which have increased Cathay Pacific coverage by far... So rather than adding new destinations, Cathay Pacific is rather concentrate on to increase capacity on routes linking to destinations in conjuction with British Airways/American Airlines... However, Cathay Pacific is expected to look into the market deeply, and likely to add new destinations where the demand are high by require a connection currently...
So after the recent horrible time we had in Hong Kong with the Economy Downturn during early 2000's and SARS in 2003... Cathay Pacific has receive a much better profit in recent years... And now with a huge increase in profit in 2006... Cathay Pacific is expected to make a seginaficant investment on upgrading their cabin with new seats and enhanced entertainment... Then later with also upgrading fleet...
2007-03-08 6:28 am

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