究竟補習班是否對成績進步有著莫大的關係?(For debate正方)

2007-03-08 5:44 am
我想問究竟補習班是否對成績進步有著莫大的關係?(For debate正方#即贊成的一方)


回答 (3)

2007-03-08 5:50 am
✔ 最佳答案
In Hong Kong, many students have a personal tutor.
They think personal tutors can help them with their homework. It is true, but it will make the students rely on their personal tutors I do not think we should have a personal tutor. First, this wastes money. Study by ourselves is cheaper. Besides, study by us can make us remember the things easily. It is because the personal must learn different things so they do not know what we are learning.
We can also take a rest when we are tired, but the personal tutors do not let us do this
I do not think we have a personal tutor. The main reason is, I do not have a personal tutor but I still have a good result in the exam.
So I do not think having a personal tutor is good.


2007-03-07 21:53:40 補充:
你找正方的話咪想想如何推翻以上的論據。要中文send e-mail給我。[email protected]
2007-03-08 5:53 am
mu ok la , because u do not know the homewoke can ask the miss/mr
2007-03-08 5:48 am
yes,because you can ask the teacher

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