at /in

2007-03-08 3:32 am
They are talking during the lesson so the teacher call them to stand in/at the front of the class??我應該用at or in呢?..我部好易通寫at but 我見到d人話用in先correct..咁用邊個呀??

回答 (3)

2007-03-08 3:56 am
✔ 最佳答案
at the front of, 同in front of , 都係企係前面的意思,
不過注意: 係 at THE front of , 有the ,
而in front of 係沒有the 的!!!

小學proof reading 的常見問題呀!!!

講返at the front of 同in front of 的分別:

平時講一樣野, 在另一樣野前面, 可以話in front of,
例句1) 我坐在Peter 前面 : I am sitting in front of Peter.
例句2) 我前面有d人排緊隊, 我企係一條隊前面,
I am standing IN FRONT OF a queue.

而at the front of, 就係指係前面果一part, 而唔係單單前面,
i am standing AT THE FRONT OF the queue.
今次係指我排緊隊, 而我排得好前, 排係前幾個位,

They are talking during the lesson so the teacher call them to stand (in front of /at the front of) the class
在這個情況下, at the front of 同 in front of 都得.

2007-03-08 5:24 am
正確用法為in front of (沒有the)和at the front of(有the);兩者的解法是接近但不相同。當你說in front of xxx時,主語並不在包納在xxx的一部份中;若你用at the front of xxx時,主語便是xxx的一部份。

I stand in front of the Bank of China building.
不可以說成I stand at the front of the Bank of China building.

I stand in front of the class. I [ --------- class ------------]
I stand at the front of the class. [ I --------- class ----------]

The blackboard is in front of the class. (correct)
The blackboard is at the front of the class. (incorrect)

The teacher is in front of the class. (correct)
The teacher is at the front of the class. (also correct, since the teacher can be considered as part of the class)

相反地,說在後面或後部的話,你就用 behind / at the (end/back) of.
2007-03-08 5:03 am
Of course-IN FRONT OF!!

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