is any foreigner can tell me what is the difference :

2007-03-08 3:24 am
is there any foreigner can tell me what is the difference between sponsor and donation???

回答 (3)

2007-03-08 5:30 am
✔ 最佳答案
I live in US, and volunteer in schools and a non-profit organization, so maybe I can help. It is different from orangizations to organizations, or even the law in that country.

In most cases, they both can tax deductable. The big different between them is the compay who receive the service in return for the financial support. If the company just want a pulic acknowledgement for the gift/money, then it can call a donation. On the other hand, if the company wanted the logo on the brouchers, banners, program books or any other adverising materials, it should be called sponsor.

Hope this can help you.

2007-03-08 04:51:31 補充:
For our Taiwan company is that mean under the same group/corporate? If yes, then it should be donation. If not, then it depends will your company use the logo or information for any advertising?
參考: my experience
2007-03-17 8:02 pm
如果您出一d貨做禮品給對方 做 funtion, 應該係叫做 sponsor贊助.

It's only my opinion.
2007-03-08 3:29 am
first of all, donation means someone donate something. for eg: she makes donation everyday. and sponsor mean people who donate something. eg:she makes donation everyday. "SHE " of the sponsor..

參考: myself

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