Polynomial question, any way to solve for x?? URGENT!

2007-03-08 2:02 am
Please find the following polynomial expression,

Ax^4 + Bx^3 + Cx^2 + Dx + E= 0

Is there any method to solve for x? Please help.

回答 (3)

2007-03-17 10:54 am
✔ 最佳答案
Besides wikipedia,
http://simonyau2000.net/mathspace/algebra.pdf P.7-P.11
introduces two methods to solve a quartic equation.
They are: Descartes's formula and Ferrari's formula.

Descartes's formula is the most “user-friendly”. It is because Descartes's formula is the simplest and its idea is the most straight-forward. Ferrari's formula is too tedious.
連超級數學勁人冷凝液在http://hk.knowledge.yahoo.com/question/?qid=7006091400696都用Descartes's formula去解一元四次方程,所以我極力推薦用Descartes's formula去解一元四次方程。

Descartes's formula是用這樣的步驟去解一元四次方程Ax^4 + Bx³ + Cx² + Dx + E = 0。(經本人整理)

(1) 步驟一:將方程轉為化約(reduced)方程。

設x = y – h
則A(y – h)^4 + B(y – h)³ + C(y – h)² + D(y – h) + E = 0
The term in y³ will vanish if – 4Ah + B = 0
Choosing h = B/(4A), the equation becomes
A(y – B/(4A))^4 + B(y – B/(4A))³ + C(y – B/(4A))² + D(y – B/(4A)) + E = 0
A[y^4 – (B/A)y³ + (3B²/(8A²))y² – (B³/(16A³))y + B^4/(256A^4)] + B[y³ – (3B/(4A))y² + (3B²/(16A²))y – B³/(64A³)] + C[y² – (B/(2A))y + B²/(16A²)] + Dy – BD/(4A) + E = 0
Ay^4 + [3B²/(8A) – 3B²/(4A) + C]y² + [B³/(16A²) – 3B³/(16A²) – BC/(2A) + D]y + [B^4/(256A³) – B^4/(64A³) + B²C/(16A²) – BD/(4A) + E] = 0
Ay^4 + [(8AC – 3B²)/(8A)]y² + [(13B³ – 8ABC + 16A²D)/(16A²)]y + [(16(AB²C – 4A²BD + 16A³E) – 3B^4)/(256A³)] = 0
y^4 + [(8AC – 3B²)/(8A²)]y² + [(13B³ – 8ABC + 16A²D)/(16A³)]y + [(16(AB²C – 4A²BD + 16A³E) – 3B^4)/(256A^4)] = 0
設a = (8AC – 3B²)/(8A²),b = (13B³ – 8ABC + 16A²D)/(16A³)及c = (16(AB²C – 4A²BD + 16A³E) – 3B^4)/(256A^4),則方程變成
y^4 + ay² + by + c = 0。

(2) 步驟二:檢驗b是否為0。若b = 0,則可輕易求解。

若b = 0,則方程為(y²)² + ay² + c = 0,
y² = [– a ± √(a² – 4c)]/2
即 y = ± √{[– a ± √(a² – 4c)]/2} 或 ± √{[– a ± √(a² – 4c)]/2}
所以x = – B/(4A) ± √{[– a + √(a² – 4c)]/2} 或 – B/(4A) ± √{[– a – √(a² – 4c)]/2}

(3) 步驟三:若b ≠ 0,則需求解一個輔助方程(三次方程)。

設b ≠ 0。
所以可設y^4 + ay² + by + c ≡ (y² + ky + r)(y² – ky + s),其中k、r和s是實數。
展開之,得y^4 + ay² + by + c ≡ y^4 + (r + s – k²)y² + k(s – r)y + rs。
由待定係數法,得r + s – k² = a,k(s – r) = b,及rs = c。
由b ≠ 0 得k ≠ 0。
由r + s = a + k²及s – r = b/k,得
2r = a + k² – b/k及2s = a + k² + b/k
所以4c = 4rs = (a + k² – b/k)(a + k² + b/k)
4c = (a + k²)² – b²/k²
4ck² = [(a + k²)k]² – b²
4ck² = k^6 + 2ak^4 + a²k² – b²
故得k^6 + 2ak^4 + (a² – 4c)k² – b² = 0
設F(z) = z³ + 2az² + (a² – 4c)z – b²。
則F(k²) = 0是一個以k²為變元的一元三次方程。
由於F(0) = – b² < 0,而當z足夠大時,F(z) > 0。
所以F(k²) = 0必有一正根。
解F(k²) = 0,得k的值。(最少有兩個實根,可任取其一)
至於如果解F(k²) = 0,

(4) 步驟四:將方程化約為兩個一元二次方程並求解。

r = (a + k² – b/k)/2及s = (a + k² + b/k)/2求得。
即y^4 + ay² + by + c = 0可化約為兩個二次方程:
y² + ky + r = 0及y² – ky + s = 0。
解之,得y = [– k ± √(k² – 4r)]/2 或 [k ± √(k² – 4s)]/2。
x = [– B – 2kA ± 2A√(k² – 4r)]/(4A) 或 [– B + 2kA ± 2A√(k² – 4s)]/(4A)。

2007-03-17 02:56:54 補充:
evilinyourheart, true, use newton's method to solve the quartic equation is also a kind of method.For the quartic equation Ax^4 Bx³ Cx² Dx E = 0,

2007-03-17 02:57:36 補充:
the iteration form using newton's method isx_(n 1) = x_n – (A(x_n)^4 B(x_n)³ C(x_n)² D(x_n) E)/(4A(x_n)³ 3B(x_n)² 2C(x_n) D).However, this method can ONLY find REAL roots, but not COMPLEX roots.So, this method does not quite good.

2007-03-17 03:08:11 補充:
evilinyourheart, true, use Newton's method to solve the quartic equation is also a kind of method.For the quartic equation Ax^4 十 Bx³ 十 Cx² 十 Dx 十 E = 0,
2007-03-09 12:56 am
if you think that the method used above is too complicated,

try to use newton's method,although it uses up a lot of time.

it only requires the basic knowledge of calculus

f(x) = Ax^4 + Bx^3 + Cx^2 + Dx + E= 0

f'(x) = 4Ax^3 + 3Bx^2 + 2Cx + D


x[1] = x[0] - { f(x[0])/f'(x[1]) }

u can solve it

2007-03-08 17:05:05 補充:
x[1] = x[0] - { f(x[0])/f'(x[0]) }
參考: eason mensa
2007-03-08 2:06 am
Read this website for reference:
Your equation is a quartic equation.

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