Disposal of MV account 屬於 suspense account,sale proceeds及accumulated depreciation會貸入這個account,cost會借入這個account,餘額轉入gain/loss on disposal of property, plant and equipment account.
Disposal of MV account (or other fixed assets) will but put among the expenses in profit and loss accounts.
An example is stated for your reference:
A car with cost $10,000 and accumulated depreciation provdied $4,000 (i.ie net book value) is sold at $5,000
Dr. Bank / Cash $5,000
Cr. Disposal of MV account $5,000
$5,000 proceeds is received.
Dr. Accumulated depreciation $4,000
Dr. Disposal of MV account $6,000
Cr. Fixed Assets (MV) $10,000
Sales of MV
And the net balance in Disposal of MV account is Dr. $1,000 and so the profit and loss accounts will have Dr. $1,000 ( a loss of $1,000)
But If the car is sold at $7,000, the Company will earn $1,000 and will be recognised in profit and loss accounts, and you may be put it in Income on Dispoal of Fixed Assets account