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How old is your son?? I'm girl, 25 yrs old, and i won't attend the family gathering too. I dun like to gathering with my family. Because they ask me too many question and too many people (around 15 ). I only accept to dinner with my own family (just my sister, mum and dad). U need to find out the reason why your son didnt attend the gathering.
2007-03-08 10:29:28 補充:
我既睇法唔知你認唔認同,每人都有自己嘅生活方式(好明顯你個仔比較享受自己嘅生活方式),時代唔同好難管到佢,唔可以逼佢做d唔鍾意嘅嘢,你可以試下同佢make deal,話比佢知你都好大壓力,個個都責怪你,你可以同佢講你的要求,不要太高,我覺得要求食餐飯都應該ok,食完咪可以叫佢走先,食飯前d吹水時間都唔好叫佢出席,當係比面你(媽咪),睇下佢肯唔肯 deal with u,千祈唔好"哦"佢;唔知你個仔有冇正常社交圈子,希望佢唔係懚蔽青年,