3G 和 WIFI 手機問題

2007-03-07 9:23 pm
本人家中按咗 IP Cam,輸出影像格式是MP4File,現想購買一部手提電話可以接收家中情况,但市面上有什麽好的品牌手機能推介。我以做了一些知料例如O2 Graphite、Sony ericson K810i(末售),但我都不知買邊部或有否其他撰擇?還有用3G好些還是WIFI呢!

回答 (3)

2007-03-08 10:54 pm
✔ 最佳答案
To see MPEG4 file from PC, if it is real time, you need to connect to a streaming server, and if not a normal download would do; however both must be connected to public internet.

As for both streaming and download require a public access from phone, and right now using 3G is very expensive to access public content (both Streaming and Download), hence I suggest you should target with WiFi even finding hotspot is a bit troublesome, but most Pacific Coffee and Starbucks are WiFi covered.

If Streaming, as there are more multi-media player (for streaming or download playback) for Windows CE than for Symbian UIQ, hence I think O2 is better. However there are also a lot of free multimedia player for S60 Symbian, you can take a look for those phones as well. If for Download playback, phone won't have much difference.
2007-03-07 11:01 pm
如你想在家安裝 Cam, PCCW 最近有推講 , 去試下.其實 wifi 在一種用作無線上網的 , 但 3G 會方便些 , 用手機都可以.但經wifi 上網 , 香港吾係處處有, 不大方便.
2007-03-07 9:29 pm
如你想在家安裝 Cam, PCCW 最近有推講 , 去試下.其實 wifi 在一種用作無線上網的 , 但 3G 會方便些 , 用手機都可以.但經wifi 上網 , 香港吾係處處有, 不大方便.

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