英文問題 verb to be

2007-03-07 8:35 pm
以下有兩句英文的問題, 希望大家能幚手
1) I am confused
a)我混亂了 (predication)
b) 我被混亂了.(passive voice)
請問 a 是正確答案還是 b 是正確答案
2) 問人覺得是否滿意, 應該是這樣寫
Are you satisfied the result?
為什麼不用 Do you satisfy the result? 在字典中 satisfy也是一個verb.如果我用了 Do you satisfy the result? 我是錯的, 為什麼??

回答 (2)

2007-03-07 9:39 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1) I am confused
b) 我被混亂了.(passive voice)

Are you satisfied with the result? is a passive voice, the focus is ON THE RESULT.
THE "WITH" is needed.
Do you satisfy the result? is WRONG ...
You should say ..
Does the result satisfy you ?
Since only "THE RESULT" satisfies "A PERSON".
NOT a person "satisifies" a result ... the object and subject is messed up....
I am eating an apple. CORRECT
An apple is eating me. WRONG ...
similar situation.
hope all helps.
Did my answer satisfy you ? You should say your answer indeed satisfied me ... or
I am satisfied with your answer.
English is fun

2007-03-07 13:42:47 補充:
1) I am confusedwe don't want to focus on the "THING" that cause the confusion.and we want to focus the on the PERSON who is being confused.This article confused me. (focus on the article)a non-native speaker can make similar mistake.
2007-03-07 9:47 pm
1) I am confused
我感到混亂 (意即是 "我"因某事或某人的行為而感到混亂)
如果得以上兩個答案選擇,我會建議係a ,因為confused 唔係passive voice,而係一個adj 形容一個人感到混亂
2) 唔可以用do you satify係因為一個人一定係人地做了某d事令你satify,所以"你"一定係被動地被人令你滿意。如果你用do在question 的開頭,當答覆時就會用了以下的句子去答了︰ Do you satisfy the result? I satisfy the result. 好明顯係係錯的

其實仲有一樣野你漏了的,就係with,satisfy 要加埋with先得的,所以正確的問法同答法係︰

Are you satisfied with the result? Yes, I am satisfied with the result.

參考: 本人的智識

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