✔ 最佳答案
Date: _________ _
This is to certify that ( 你個全名 ) who has worked at this company in the capacity of ( 職位) since (入職日期).
I can recommend Mr. / Mrs. ( 你個姓) to you without the slightest hesitation. He / She is a good-natured, hard-working and well-liked member of our staff. He / She has always been willing to learn and I have always found him / her to be a dependable worker who can be left to work unattended in the confidence that the work will be done.
I should be extremely sorry to lose Mr. / Mrs. ( 你個姓 ) , but I understand that other company may ultimately offer him / her better career prospects and so would wish him / her well in his / her career.
Yours sincerely,
( 公司蓋章 + 簽名)
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