
2007-03-07 6:05 pm
近期查詢東京package時, 個agent話NWA做緊團體飛, 所以平d, 但朋友話之前試過買團體飛, 到出發當日full晒去唔到!?!?!?!?請問什麼叫團體飛?

回答 (4)

2007-03-07 7:17 pm
✔ 最佳答案
其實呢, 每一間旅行社或者agent, 都會向各大航空公司book定某個數目既機票.. 一來可以平d, 等自己旅行社既團出到既時候唔會無機票, 二來航空公司比自由d旅行社/agent, 佢地可以去到差唔多飛之前果日先決定唔要d位都得... 每一間旅行社/agent可以hold機票既數量都唔同.. 大間果d當然可以reserve得多d啦...
例如你去訂一套來回東京機票, 可能你去康泰話你想出套國泰既機票既時候, 佢會話比你聽有, 但係你去d細間既旅行社可能話比你聽果日坐國泰去東京既機已經full晒.. 其實唔一定係full晒, 可能係國泰留比康泰旅行社既quota仲有位, 所以康泰會話比你聽仲有位囉.. 通常都係臨飛之前果日, d旅行社先放返d位出黎架 ..
好多人都知航空公司職員坐飛機係好平, 其實可以咁講, 但係好多時要睇下d旅行社放返幾多位出黎先知去唔去到, 就係因為咁, 好多時d旅遊計劃都要出發前先知去到邊個城市架 ....
參考: 前航空公司職員..
2007-03-08 2:44 am
Group Ticket is usually the type of ticket that airlines give to travel agency at a discounted price... And of course these Group Ticket are planned for Group Tour... As Group Tour always go everywhere together, these tickets usually have really hust condition (eg. non-refundable, non-changable, no frequent flyer mileage etc)... As Group Tour passenger dont usually need to change or cancell tickets...
If you are planning to get a Group Ticket issued, I would strongly suggest you to go to big Travel Agency to book them... And personally, I have done this before with Group Ticket, they are usually cheaper than any other airlines because of the airlines discount and also the stright condition... But that time, when we wanted to change the date, the airlines happily change it for us for free of charge...
Of course, the reason I tell you to book with big Travel Agency or some Travel Agency you know well is that the chance of them not being able to issue you the ticket is much lower (as sometimes it happens after you paid) and that do mess up your holiday as well...
But in my experneice, and my parents friend who work in travel agency... As long as you confirm the ticket quickly... There shouldnt be a problem of being overbooked and not being able to fly... As no matter what ticket class you got, as long as you got a valid ticket... The airlines have full responsibility of getting you on the right flight and if not compensation would need to be given... There is only 1 case that you cannot board the flight and no compensation, and that is airlines discounted staff tickets for their staff and staff families... But that is no Group Ticket then...
2007-03-08 2:31 am
最好唔好買團體飛 麻煩好多
我試過係康泰買台灣飛 佢迫我買團體飛
個staff寸到話咩價位都full晒 要邊日都無機票
話只有團飛有位 激到我死 但我返黎個日個機吉到唔吉
2007-03-07 6:16 pm
參考: 自己,曾從事旅遊業

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