
2007-03-07 8:54 am
hat will you say if you want to do the following things.use (can I) or (may I)
1.you want to borrow a correction pen from your classmate.
2.you want to play computer games. you ask your mother for permission.
3.It's cold and you want to switch off the fans
4.you see a person who needs help.
5.the classroom is too bright.

回答 (3)

2007-03-07 1:33 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. Can I borrow your correction pen, please?
2. Mum, can I play computer games?
3. Can I switch off the fans please?
4. Can I help you?
5. Can I turn off the light?
hat will you say if you want to do the following things.use (can I) or (may I)
1.you want to borrow a correction pen from your classmate.
2.you want to play computer games. you ask your mother for permission.
3.It's cold and you want to switch off the fans
4.you see a person who needs help.
5.the classroom is too bright.

你說你想要做下列things.use(是嗎)帽子 或者(是嗎)
2.你想要玩計算機遊戲。 你請求你的母親許可。

你可以在黃金電腦廣場買[Dr.eye 7.0專業版] 來翻譯 非常準確的! 大約500元HKD左右!


以上由 英麟專業電腦 專業人員 回答!
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2007-03-07 9:04 am
1. may i borrow your correction pen?
2. mom, can i play the computer games?
3. i'm getting cold, can i switch off the fans?
4. may i help you?
5. it's too bright, may i turn off the light?

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