How many times a week do u excercise?

2007-03-07 7:02 am
Not only for fitness freaks

回答 (29)

2007-03-07 7:11 am
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me..? none.
2007-03-07 7:08 am
5 times.
But am new on this.
Only 1 1/2 month, 2-3 h.
I hope i will stay on doing.
You know how this things work.
Normally u go for a few days/weeks and then you stop, or for ever or for years or months.
I hope I'll stay.
It's good 4 ur health.
2007-03-07 1:31 pm
Monday to Friday
2007-03-07 12:52 pm
I go to the gym 4-5 times a week for 1-2 hours of hard training, weights and cardio 2 times a week and cardio classes like spinning and Body combat, boxing 2 times a week and also walk daily.
2007-03-07 11:33 am
i do an hour and a half exercise daily.skipping ,spacehopping,trampolining,resistance training and walking are all my favourites
2007-03-07 10:21 am
3-4 times a week for about 2-2.5 hours. Mainly cardio-vascular with a few leg weights. Really wish I could work out more, but uni and part time job take up a lot of my time.
2007-03-07 9:32 am
Walk 2 miles from work 5 times a week & go to Karate training for 2-4 hours per week.
2007-03-07 9:15 am
Usually seven days, sometimes have a day off.
2007-03-07 8:49 am
3 days a week however this is mostly weight training, my job requires me to be on my feet all day so I don't really need to exercise for the purposes of fitness because I don't consider the sports that I do as exercise
2007-03-07 7:54 am
2007-03-07 7:39 am
I work out 5 days a week,about 1 hour each day. It makes you fit and feels great.
2007-03-07 7:32 am
Between 3 and 5 days a week
2007-03-07 7:32 am
this is it
2007-03-07 7:17 am
if you are active and doing your work on your own there is no need to count it
2007-03-07 7:16 am
used to exercise 5 days a week.. now that i'm working, i'm always too lazy or too tired to start... end up exercising like once a week??? that's minimum... and considerably little too... :(
2007-03-07 7:16 am
Daily . sometime morning and evening. but evening probably!
2007-03-07 7:15 am
No more than 6 times a week, usually I run or ride my bike at lunch time during the rainy season and winter months. In the summer I ride in the morning or wait till after work so I'm not out in the hot sun. There's an informal gathering of cyclist in the area and we ride in pelotons, I've seen as many as 50 or so. My buddy and I aren't fast enough to keep up with them but we do our best.
2007-03-07 7:14 am
5 times a week
2007-03-07 7:13 am
i would say i'm exercising all day because i have an infant...;)
2007-03-07 7:13 am
about everyday. if im not playing/practicing tennis im out running.
2007-03-07 7:13 am
I exercise by going to the gym to workout everyday. I do weight lifting and cardio exercise after, takes about 3 hours everyday.
I workout different part of muscles throughout the week.
參考: personal
2007-03-07 7:12 am
Not as much as I should
2007-03-07 7:11 am
3 times per week at gym - feels great and first time for years not had single day of illness since started!
2007-03-07 7:10 am
i workout about 5 times a week. 2 hrs each night
2007-03-07 7:10 am
2007-03-07 7:10 am
Monday - Friday: Morning and Evening
2007-03-07 7:09 am
I dont excercise at all ! altho i do house work everyday and have a 2 yr old to tend i'am always on the go.. would never find the time too excercise.x.x.
2007-03-07 7:08 am
Just bought Vicky Entwistle dvd at Christmas.Have now exercised 5-7 days a week for 50 mins.It is brill and feel great after,take it from me a lazy no exercise person that once you start it does make you feel good.
2007-03-07 7:05 am

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