please help me to have proof reading 2

2007-03-07 6:22 am
The survey showed that the most of tourist think eco- tourism in Hong Kong is very enjoy and is a nice place to visit.
The visitor recommended that Hong Kong is just a city, so that it still needs to promote more and have to improve the environment
From this survey can be drawn that the government should promote it on magazine, can have less pollution and don’t develop Hong Kong any more to protect environment etc.

回答 (3)

2007-03-07 6:42 am
✔ 最佳答案
Key: ( ) correction, [ ] things to be changed/corrected

The survey showed that the most of tourist think eco-tourism(eco-tour) in Hong Kong is very enjoy(enjoyABLE) [and is a nice place to visit.](It is very nice to explore HK is this way)

[The] visitor(Visitors) recommended(advised) that [Hong Kong is just a city](being a beautiful city), [so that it still needs to promote more and have to improve the environment](HK needs to focus on promoting environmental improvement)

[From this survey can be drawn that the government should promote it on magazine, can have less pollution and don’t develop Hong Kong any more to protect environment etc.](After the survey, we can concluded that the government should increase the general public awareness of environmental protection by media like magazine. We should also consider the balance of economic growth and the negative effect of pollution to the environment.)

Comment: you gave out a very general idea of your survey results, but not detailed. Those you pointed out, to me, could not led to the conclusion you tried to make. Think of it: what conclusion you want to draw at the end, from there go backward. List out a least 3 points. The strongest point at front, the least sounding one at the end. And in writing in English, think the English way. I am from HK so I can understand some of your Chinenglish but I worry other people would not know what you are trying to say.

Keep trying.
2007-03-08 1:31 am
The survey show(s) that most of (the) tourist (thought that) eco- tourism in Hong Kong is very enjoy(able) and (it) is a nice place to visit.

(Those) visitor(s) recommended that (since) Hong Kong is just a city, so it still needs (more promotion and enviromnental improvment )

(Base on) this survey (it) can be drawn that the government should promote (Hong Kong) on (international) magazine(s), (and reduce) pollution (while) develop(ing) Hong Kong (in order) to protect (the) environment etc.

2007-03-07 17:34:55 補充:
The last statement "don’t develop Hong Kong" is saying development is a way to stop tourism, contextualy, it means development is bad. so I tried to modify it a little bit, hope it can help you.
參考: myself
2007-03-07 11:02 pm
(adding/ corrections) [delete]

The survey showed that most of the tourists enjoy eco-tourism in Hong Kong.
The visitors comment that since Hong Kong is just a small city, there is a need to improve the environment ( you mean protect eco-system?) and promote eco-tourism (or just tourism)
From this survey can draw the conclusion that the government should advertise eco-tourism in magazines, reduce pollution and have better urban planning to protect the environment.

Try to keep your words

2007-03-07 15:05:57 補充:
The survey showed that most of the tourists enjoy *eco-tours in Hong Kong.

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