
2007-03-07 5:45 am
Be a good and selfless citizen, no smoking please.
我想保留no smoking please,應該點改

回答 (4)

2007-03-07 5:59 am
✔ 最佳答案
I think it's better to change the word [selfless] to [considerate (adj.)]:

Be a good and considerate citizen. No smoking please.

[selfless] generally means [無私/ 忘我]; while [considerate] means [懂得體諒別人/ 不會只顧自己利益]
2007-03-07 9:52 pm
Be a good and responsible citizen (person), no smoking pls

Be considerate, no smoking pls
2007-03-07 6:01 am
For a disinterested citizen, no smoking please.
參考: me
2007-03-07 5:52 am
Taking others into consideration, no smoking please.

Being a caring citizen, no smoking please.

Empathizing others, no smoking please.

Be accountable to the public, no smoking please.

Regarding others, no smoking please

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