蛋撻 !!(英文)!!2o fun

2007-03-07 5:39 am
20 FUN!


回答 (5)

2007-03-07 5:43 am
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縱然蛋撻深受香港人歡迎,但其在香港歷史尚短。據業餘香港歷史學者吳昊考證,1920年代的廣州,各大百貨公司競爭激烈,為了吸引顧客,百貨公司的廚師每周都會設計一款「星期美點」作招徠,蛋撻正是這時候在廣州出現。Laura Mason在《Traditional Foods of Britain》提出早在中世紀,英國人已利用奶品、糖、蛋及不同香料,製作類似蛋撻的食品。

2007-03-06 21:45:27 補充:
"Very easy to make Chinese style Egg Tart, you can put the leftovers in the refrigerator for later use for up to 3 days.

2007-03-06 21:45:39 補充:
You can reduce the sugar used on the crust and the filling to fit your taste, this recipe is lightly sweetened. If you want to you, can add more sugar to the filling. Hope you enjoy it!"
2007-03-07 7:14 am
外貌:Very cute
2007-03-07 5:58 am
蛋撻,是歐洲傳來的產品,英國人稱之為「custard tart」,一直是歐洲普遍的家庭甜品之一,custard是雞蛋、奶及糖混合製成的軟凍,我們稱之為「蛋」,tart則取其音叫撻。

據說在40年代時,有些餐廳推出西式早餐(奶茶、蛋撻),用來打破廣東人飲茶 食點心的習慣。食家蔡瀾表示,當年的蛋撻比現在的大兩倍以上,一大個蛋撻加杯奶茶,是五六十年代勞苦大眾至愛的東西。當經濟開始起飛,陸羽率先出現了迷你蛋撻。後期香港有錢人愈來愈多,蛋撻上還會加上燕窩、鮑魚等配料,但經濟不景,這些蛋撻又不見了。原來蛋撻更可反映經濟環境。

蛋 撻 同 沙 翁 兩 種 「 名 物 」 都 試 咗, 沙 翁 就 幾 好 味 , 甜 度 適 中 又 唔 多 油 , 反 之 個 蛋 撻 就 好 普 通 兼 且 勁 重 牛 油 味 , 我 覺 得 凱 施 嘅蛋 撻 仲 好 味 好 多 ~ 唔 值 得 專 登 遠 度 而 來 一 試 喇 …

今 次 走 左 去 旺 角 行 街 , 食 個 蛋 撻 個 tea先 , 依 然 都 係 新 鮮 熱 辣 , 個 撻 皮 勁 多 牛 油 , 雖 然 好 香 但 好 漏 , 而 且 個 蛋 好 似 太 過 甜 , 好 甜 , 又 係 好 漏 , 同 中 環 的 水 準 差 得 遠 ....


Visited the Kowloon Tai Cheong last week. Seems the waiting time just as long. So popular, even in a food court.

Brought myself and family some lovely egg tarts and enjoyed it with some great Barista coffee.

The tarts taste just as good as the ones in Central. Crispy pastry and nice hot filling. It was worth the wait




2007-03-07 5:51 am
egg tart is a kind of food that comes from Hong Kong,it is very famous in here,many tourist like it very mouch,many tourist always come Hong Kong to try this food.Out of Hong Kong,there are other countries make their own egg tart but Ijust only like Hong Kong's egg tart,I like Hong Kong's egg tart very much cause it tastes delicious but it has many fat in it ,so I think dont eat too much.
2007-03-07 5:49 am
Egg tarts are a kind of pastry that is popular in Hong Kong, Macau and surrounding areas in southern China. It consists of a flaky outer crust, with a middle filled with egg custard, which is then baked. It is related to the English-style custard tart, a pastry commonly enjoyed in the British Isles, Australia, and New Zealand. Egg tarts are typically marketed at Chinese, Hong Kong, and Macau bakeries, cha chaan tengs (tea restaurants), and some dim sum restaurants. The second character in the Chinese name (ta) is a character that closely resembles 'tart' in pronunciation (used only for its sound), while the first (dan) is Chinese for 'egg'.

Today's egg tarts come in many variations due to Hongkongers' gastronomic curiosity. These include egg white tarts, milk tarts, honey-egg tarts, ginger-flavored egg tarts (the two aforementioned variations were a take upon traditional milk custard and egg custard, which was usually served in cha chaan tengs), chocolate tarts, green-tea-flavoured tarts and even bird's nest tarts.

One theory suggests Chinese egg tarts are a Chinese adaption of English custard tarts. Guangdong had long been the region in China with most frequent contact with the West, in particular Britain. As a former British colony, Hong Kong food would naturally assimilate British tastes. Custard tarts made of shortcrust pastry, eggs, sugar, milk or cream, vanilla, and nutmeg have long been a favourite pastry in the British Isles, Australia, and New Zealand. According to Laura Mason and Catherine Bell's Traditional Foods of Britain: An Inventory (Prospect Books, London, 2004) a version of custard tart has been made in England since the Middle Ages. The medieval recipe was a shortcrust pastry case filled with a mixture of milk or cream, eggs, sweetening agents, and other spices. Gary Rhodes's New British Classics (BBC Worldwide, London, 1999) states the recipe of making the modern version of English custard tart has been more or less set since the Tudor times.

According to one website, custard tarts were introduced in Hong Kong in the 1940s by cha chaan tengs and western cafes and bakeries to compete with dim sum restaurants, later evolving to become egg tarts today.

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