part of speech.急急急!!十點!!

2007-03-07 3:02 am
part of speech
1)The police have re-opened the murder case of Mr. Green ,the richest man in the city.

2) It has been said that she was Mr .Green 's secret lover.

找出以上句子每個字的part of speech..
the -
police - noun


回答 (2)

2007-03-07 3:14 am
✔ 最佳答案
1)The - definite article
police - noun
have - verb
re-opened - verb
the - definite article
murder - noun
case - noun
of - prep
Mr. Green - noun
the - definite article
richest - adj
man -noun
in - perp
the - definite article

It - pronoun
has - verb
been - verb
said - adj
that - adv
she - pronoun
was - verb
Mr .Green 's -noun+verb
secret - adj
lover - noun
2007-03-07 3:09 am
Subject verb object pre. n adj
The police have re-opened the murder case of Mr. Green ,the richest man
in the city.
Sub. v. n. sub. v object n.
It has been said that she was Mr .Green 's secret lover.
參考: me

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