
2007-03-07 2:00 am
i want to ask why many Hong Kong people work such long hours and can you providing ssome uggestions to help them release stress.

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2007-03-08 6:07 pm
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10 Great Ways to Remain Stress Free

We all suffer from stress at some level and we all handle stress differently, some can shake it off and let it go while for others they suffer severe headaches, light headedness and our muscles become tense. Stress such as this over long periods of time is not good for us; however, there are ways to deal with it successfully.
1.Play some relaxation music – there are many CD`s specially designed to help you relax, they range from classical music to sounds of nature to guided self-help routines to aid in relaxation. Learning how to relax more quickly and easily using one of these, leads to being able to let go of stress easier.
2. Take some time just for you – we can all benefit from some “me” time, if you find yourself getting worked up about something then if possible take a short 5 minute break and get up and loosen off your muscles. If you are able to then take a hot bath with some of your favorite oils, if you are at work then just stretch your legs and muscles by going for a glass of water or coffee, for those who have small children then take advantage of their nap time and practice a relaxation routine while they nap.
3. Learn how to meditate - learning a simple meditation technique can teach you how to relax and let go of stress much more quickly, the simplest forms of meditation exercises can be done in as little as 10 minutes and leaves you refreshed and ready to tackle anything.
4. Take some form of exercise - exercise is not only a great way to get fit and healthy but is also a great method for dealing with stress, you will benefit from as little as 20 minutes of exercise per day, this can be walking, jogging, swimming, cycling or any similar form.
5. Express yourself – keeping a diary is an excellent way of dealing with stress and anxiety, write down and get out your thoughts and feelings about anything and everything that bothers you.
6. Confront any problem – if a problem is causing you stress then don’t shy away from it and keep putting it off, meet the problem head on and try to find a solution to it.
7. Take up a hobby – taking up something you enjoy doing is a great way of beating stress, a hobby will give you something to think about and take your mind off your day-to-day problems even if only for a short while and any break from stress is beneficial.
8. Treat yourself – give yourself a small treat, this could be buying a new book or CD, buying fresh flowers and arranging them or treating yourself to aromatherapy or a massage.
9. Don’t put too much emphasis on what others think – try to stop caring too much about what others think of you or your actions and instead just concentrate on what you like to do and want to do and do it.
10. Learn to realize when you are stressed – learn how to recognize the signs and symptoms of stress and then follow the tips outlined above to learn how to deal with it before it builds up.

收錄日期: 2021-04-26 17:24:49
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