自 由 行 帶 幾 多 錢 好 ~

2007-03-06 11:42 pm
我 第 一 次 去 泰 國 自 由 行 ~
4日 3夜 ~~

唔 知 帶 幾 多 錢 好 牙 ~~

本 人 想 做 一 次 普 通 SPA~~

唔 會 點 買 貴 野 ~~

唔 該 各 位 俾 D 意 見 牙 ~~~

回答 (4)

2007-03-07 12:16 am
✔ 最佳答案
建議你帶港幣4500元,因為有很多地方可以shopping,你鍾唔鍾意水上活動因為每樣玩都幾貴!! 做SPA有平有貴,不過都平過香港。希望可以給你做參考!!!!!!
2007-03-07 12:36 am
It is up to your plan!
If you just for relax, $2000 (~THB9000) is enough for one person.
Message ranged from THB300-THB1000 per time.
Spa ranged from THB1000 - THB3000 per theropy. (2 to 3 hours)

Food in local food court is very cheap. Each time just cost less than THB100 per person.

Remember, when you leave Thailand, there may be as addition tax THB700 per person. (I've just experienced this at Phuket, Thailand in last month). You need to keep some of the money for this.

For money exchange, the rate is higher at local shop (1: 4.5X) rather than that of Bank (1:4.4X).
Wish it can help you.
2007-03-06 11:59 pm
10000 yen
2007-03-06 11:43 pm
參考: me

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