畢業旅行 - 學聯之外地義工計劃

2007-03-06 10:52 pm
我想問下有冇人去過學聯旅遊既"澳洲環保義工17天計劃" or "英國環保義工9天計劃"? 覺得點? 有咩做ga? 學唔學到當地文化 or 認識到不同国家既人? 住宿情況好唔好?

回答 (2)

2007-03-08 4:35 pm
✔ 最佳答案
I have joined the Australia one for 5 days of volunteering work. It is hard-work, i would say. Althought there are many types of volunteering work, weeding is the most often one. Imagine you work one whole day and have lunch and tea-break only. You need to prepare for the labour work.

You can definitely meet people from different countries. When i went last time, i met 1 Scottish, 2 Australians, 1 German, 3 Koreans and 1 French. The places that you will be staying are clean and of good standard. No need to worry.

You will definitely be able to learn their culture because you have to live with all these people for 5 days at least. There is no where else you can go to. You do get to know the people.

It is a fantastic experience that you will not forget. Remember you will need to open up and talk to people!!!
2007-03-08 10:46 am
if u want to學到當地文化 or 認識到不同国家既人
it better to join working holiday visa

because this kind of program is too short for u,just like travel


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