
2007-03-06 9:25 pm
我朋友想在網上預辦登機手續, 跟着劃位(選位置)。
朋友由西班牙到倫敦, 再轉機返港。他坐的是由西班牙-->倫敦, 再轉機-->香港 的航班。

西班牙至倫敦, 航空公司是Iberia航空;
倫敦到香港的一程, 是國泰航空。

國泰回覆, 由於此行的順序是, 先坐Iberia(非國泰航空的)的航機, 再坐國泰航空的航機, 所以, 我們需先到Iberia航空查詢, 能否辦理預辦登機手續。

我到了Iberia的網頁看, 但我看得不太明白(我是第一次搞機票的事, 而且英文不算好), 也找不到他們有否預辦登機服務, 也不知道如何聯絡他們。網址是 http://www.iberia.com , 但是, 不知道預辦登機(劃位)的網頁在哪裏?



回答 (1)

2007-03-06 11:47 pm
✔ 最佳答案
Yes... Iberia do provide Internet check-in services... Just have a look at the below link http://www.iberia.com/OneToOne/v3/obsmenu.do... And your friend can then check-in up to 48hours in advance...
However, since your friend is flying with 2 airlines... Although they are in the same alliance but I am not sure how you can do this one... But surely checking-in for the Iberia leg is surely not a problem... If your friend is being rejected to do so... You can tell him/her to call Iberia and Cathay Pacific regional office to get a reservation of seat (which I have done many times on airlines without internet check-in)...
In spain, you can contact Iberia at 902 400 500 and also Cathay Pacific on 934 882 083 in Barcelona or 912 960 415 for Madrid... So tell your friend to try online check-in first, if not able to do so... Then contact the airlines local office to request a reserve of seat...

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