
2007-03-06 6:48 pm
我想問 買期指係要惦架 做咩手續 同係邊做架
同埋想問 買一張期子 有無期限架
可吾可以下午買 下午即賣架
本人係新手 請高手指教

回答 (2)

2007-03-06 7:25 pm
✔ 最佳答案
1. You need to open an account which provide future contract trading, ie Cash financial service com... After account open, you need to deposit money into the account for your trading transaction. For HKSI future contract, there is mim deposit required.

買一張期子 有無期限架
2. All future contract do have an expired date. Usually ppl trades the current month contract. Other than current month, you can also trade the next month....

下午買 下午即賣架
3. Most of the company provide on-line trading services. Of course, you can sell it immediately upon you buy one. In fact, the transaction fee will be lesser if you do the same day trade.

I need to remind you that future index trading is very high risk and you have to well prepare yourself. Some ppl lost their whole life savings for trading the furture index.

You can visit the following site for reference.
2007-03-07 6:48 am
首先,你需要開一個戶口,例如敦沛集團、輝立呀等等! 你通常都要準備
1. 住址証明
2. 身份証副本

期指是會到期的,你有權選擇做即月份即3月 or 之後的月份 i.e. 4月、5月...但需記得遠期月份成交量較低,所以一般情況都會選擇做即月.
開市時間為早上9:45 至早上12:30 及 下午2:30 至 下午4:00



如有任何其他問題,可電63326911 or e-mail me at [email protected],因為我都係業內人士。

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