***** 紅酒 ~ 我愛葡萄園

2007-03-06 3:13 pm
Television 節目, 我愛葡萄園, 講解有關葡萄酒的知識 ~

1. 紅酒的知識有冇用?
2. 例子?

回答 (2)

2007-03-11 1:01 pm
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(節目中所提及関於) 紅酒的知識有冇用? 呢個真係見人見智。節目本身好像是引進紅酒知識,內裡是sell對居住,對生活的新要求。To improve people’s expectation of life style is what they really want to sale…..Since they are tailoring to the middle class people who have limited knowledge about Bordeaux , so they cannot or it is not smart to go too technical or too detail. As a program for general people, I think they just cover the general and a little bit of the basics. Keep in mind this program is NOT Bordeaux Wine 101….
If I remembered correctly, they talked about very little highlights of wine making, impact of soil and weather to the varietals, show some Chateau such as Chateau Haut-Brion, Chateau Lynch Bages, Chateau Troplong-Mondot…..so-called talked about the storage of wine in HK, and the glasses for drinking Bordeaux (which I think he is using a Chardonnay glass as a demo….haha!) My Bordeaux glasses are very different……
Regarding using egg whites, I think the host Vanessa Yeung made a little mistake: as far as I know, adding beat-up egg white to the barrel is to use the foam to skim away the fine (must) from the wine as natural filter, but she said the egg-white will settle the fine to the bottom?? Does anybody know the whole truth?
Using decanter for the 1981 Chateau Haut-Brion????? Areeeeeee…. Well…..no wonder they keep saying the wine is not ready, I think they killed the wine…..
Surprise that Ms. Yeung’s language skills (both Chinese and English) are better than I expected, esp. when compare with those “wine critics” who were the co-hosts in the program. I suggest they should polish their pronunciation a little more, at least the name of the varietals....(petite verdot, should pronounce as “pet-tite”, but he pronounced as “p-tite”)….sigh!
One thing I don’t understand: why those guys (except one) are in business suits? The setting is suppose to be casual, lively and relax (which the program keep saying) but these guys were like going to a job interview……totally defeated the French Bordeaux life style……that they try to sale……blame the TVB Program Assistant………
They cracked 2 of the 5 1st Growths, 1981 Haut-Brion and 1996 Mouton, don’t know if they are planning to open the Lafite, Margaux and Latour????

2007-03-06 10:52 pm

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